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采编:哈尔滨家教网   来源:哈工大家教中心   点击:728    发布日期:2009-03-18 23:15:53



Do you really want to commit to a 4-year degree? While it can be intimidating to consider investing the time and money required to get a bachelor's degree, choosing the right degree could make it well worth your effort. Information on the following 8 careers is based on current projections by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), whose data indicate that these occupations will experience more growth than any others through 2016. Spend the next four years preparing for one of the following professions, and your job search could be a breeze.


Computer Software Engineer 计算机软件工程师

- Interested in math and computers? Embrace the nerd within while you learn to design, develop, test, and evaluate computer software and systems.

Get the Degree: A program in software engineering or computer science can help you learn the networking and programming basics to hold your own in this high-tech career.

Happily Ever After: BLS expects a whopping 325,000 new jobs for computer software engineers through 2016. Better still, the 2006 median wages for these IT gurus ranged between $79,780 and $85,370, depending on field of specialization.




Accountant 会计师

  - Tax season may be over, but the demand for number-crunching geniuses in this field should last for years.

  Get the Degree: Study accounting or business to prepare for a career as an accountant.

  Happily Ever After: Employment of accountants and auditors is expected to grow to the tune of 226,000 new jobs, and median annual earnings in this field were $54,630 in 2006.




Elementary Teacher 小学教师

  - Consider the potential perks of a career in teaching: a pet gerbil in your 'office,' mandatory recess every day, and at least twenty children who think you're cool.

  Get the Degree: Get your bachelor's degree from an accredited teacher education program, in which you learn how to plan a curriculum and manage a classroom.

  Happily Ever After: Between 2006 and 2016, the need for elementary teachers will increase by 209,000. You probably won't get rich as a teacher but the summer vacations may be worth more than a six-figure salary.




Personal Financial Advisor 个人财政顾问

  - Learn the ins and outs of tax laws, insurance, and investments to help your clients plan for retirement and finance their children's educations.

  Get the Degree: Because this profession requires skills in a range of subject matters, choose from degree programs in accounting, finance, economics, business, mathematics, or law to help prepare you for a job.

  Happily Ever After: The BLS expects a need for 72,000 new personal financial advisors through 2016; median earnings were $66,120 in 2006.




Market Research Analyst 市场调查分析师

  - Get inside the brains of consumers to help companies market their products using tools such as Internet and telephone surveys.

  Get the Degree: Whether you get your degree in business, marketing, or psychology, make sure to follow a well-rounded course of study that includes mathematics, statistics, and economics.

  Happily Ever After: Nearly 50,000 new market research analyst positions should become available between 2006 and 2016, with 2006 median annual wages of $58,820.




Computer Systems Analyst 计算机系统分析员

  - Keeping current with the ever-changing world of information technology, computer systems analysts help businesses and organizations find the right technologies to meet their needs.

  Get the Degree: Analysts aspiring to work in the business world should get a degree in management information systems.

  Happily Ever After: A growing dependence on eCommerce and Internet technologies is expected to lead to almost 150,000 new jobs for computer systems analysts. Starting offers for graduates in this field were close to $50,000 in 2006.




Securities, Commodities, Financial Services Sales Agents 证券、日用品、金融服务机构销售代理

  - Watch out Wall Street! A career as a stock broker or investment banker can offer a fast-paced, intense work environment with the potential for financial rewards.

  Get the Degree: A degree in finance, economics, business, or accounting provides the best preparation for a job in this field.

  Happily Ever After: Nearly 80,000 new jobs are expected through 2016. Play your cards right and you could be earning six figures within a few years of graduation.




  Financial Analyst 金融分析师

  - Put your math skills to the test in this profession, working for banks, insurance companies, or securities firms to improve their bottom line.

  Get the Degree: Choose from a bachelor's degree in finance, business administration, accounting, statistics, or economics to prepare for the rigors of this career.

  Happily Ever After: According to BLS data, 75,000 new financial analysts will be hired between 2006 and 2016, and the median salary in 2006 was $66,590.




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