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采编:哈尔滨家教网   来源:哈工大家教中心   点击:885    发布日期:2009-03-12 21:21:32


This is the VOA Special English Health Report.

这里是 VOA 慢速英语健康报道

Evidence is increasing that common influenza viruses are becoming resistant to the main drug used to treat them. The drug is oseltamivir, also known as Tamiflu.


The most common seasonal flu virus found in the United States this year is type A(H1N1). During the last flu season, twelve percent of H1N1 viruses tested in the United States were resistant to Tamiflu.

今年在美国发现的最常见的流感病毒是 A 型( H1N1 ),去年流感期间,经测试有 12%H1N1 病毒对于达菲具有抵抗性。

This year, researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say resistance is close to one hundred percent. Still, they say early reports show that flu activity has been low so far this year.

今年,疾病控制与预防中心的研究人员称病毒的抗药性已将近 100% ,但他们说早期的报告表明到目前为止,流感活动一直很低。

The research team is reporting its findings in the Journal of the American Medical Association.


Alicia Fry led the team. Doctor Fry says it is better to prevent the flu than to have to treat it. And the best form of prevention, she says, is getting vaccinated each year against influenza.

Alicia Fry 领导着这个研究小组。 Fry 博士称针对流感,预防强于治疗。而预防的最好形式是每年进行针对流感的预防接种。

Viruses change, or mutate, so flu vaccines must be reformulated each

year to target the most common threats.


But last week, two teams working independently reported a discovery

that could help lead to a universal flu vaccine. The hope is to develop a

vaccine that could give lifelong protection against a majority of flu

viruses, including bird flu.

但上周,两支独立工作的研究小组报道了一项新的发现,可以帮助研制通用的流感疫苗,希望新开发的疫苗 , 可以实现终生保护 , 预防多数的流感病毒 , 包括禽流感。

The scientists identified a protein that inactivates the flu virus before it can mutate.


One team used an antibody found in blood donated by an individual. Scientist Ian Wilson at the Scripps Research Institute in California says the antibodies proved highly effective in laboratory mice exposed to deadly levels of virus. He says they gave complete protection if administered immediately and up to fifty percent protection if administered up to five days later.

一个研究组使用了个体捐助的血液中发现的抗体。加州斯克里普斯研究的科学家伊恩·威尔逊称这种抗体应用在实验室中感染了致命病毒的老鼠身上,其结果证明是非常有效的。他说如果(病毒)立即发作的话,(抗体)将实现完全的保护,如果(病毒) 5 天后发作的话,(抗体)将实现 50% 的保护。

The researchers say many, if not all, people likely have these antibodies but do not always produce or use them efficiently.


The study is in the journal Science.


The findings appeared just days after another team reported its findings in the journal Nature Structural and Molecular Biology. That team used almost the same methods but worked with engineered antibodies.


Wayne Marasco of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Massachusetts was the lead author of that study. He says identifying human antibodies that will stop the ability of the virus to reinvent itself is the first step. Next comes using them to develop drugs to fight and treat influenza. And that, he says, could require at least three more years of research to reach the point of testing in people.

麻萨诸塞州丹纳 - 法伯癌症研究所的 Wayne Marasco 是这项研究的主要作者。他说人类抗体的识别是阻止病毒自身不断重复制造的第一步,接下来 , 利用它们来开发药物治疗和对抗流感,并且,他说至少需要 3 年以上时间的研究,才能应用于人体的测试。

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