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采编:哈尔滨家教网   来源:哈工大家教中心   点击:705    发布日期:2014-06-28 00:40:10

Why people choose to learn English

   Nowadays people from all ages and backgrounds are learning to speak English. However, people choose to learn a second language for different purposes. Of course, some  students are forced to learn  English  because of the compulsory education. As for other students, learning English is their own choice.
As for some learners, they have intended to move to the English-speaking countries to start a new life, such as England, Canada, American and so on. These students pay more attention to their spoken English rather their writing, reading or grammar learning. Besides, some students choose to learn English for specific aims, they usually focus on a specific area, including the law, bank or caring. One of the most popular English learning is the business English. Mang colleges and universities students choose this as their major and work hard on it.
 As for me, maybe, one day I will be an English teacher. English is becoming the important part in my life. Each day, I am supposed to do well in listening, speaking. Reading, and writing. I addition, I try to look for the major related job as a part-time English teacher and make efforts to pass the exams. In the process of learning, I will pay more attention to the learning strategy and to be a good teacher in the future.
With the deepening of reform and opening up to the outside world, face to face talk with foreigners is becoming more and more frequent. English learning is becoming more and more important in our daily life. we, students, should not only have a good command of English but also be able to express ourselves fluently.

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