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采编:哈尔滨家教网   来源:哈工大家教中心   点击:884    发布日期:2009-03-28 17:38:40


Glad you are with us everyone. I am Catherine Callaway and here is a look at what's happening Now In The News.

The Treasury Department has unveiled a bank rescue plan that will help banks remove billions of dollars in toxic assets from their books. The plan calls for the US government to partner with private investors to buy mortgage- back securities. To kickstart things, the Obama administration said it will commit 75 to 100 billion dollars and would consider how the program is progressing before they committed any more money.

Some startling video of a Fedex plane crash in Japan. The pilot and co-pilot died when the cargo plane bounced on the runway, veered left and then burst into a ball of flames. That all happened at Japan's Narita International Airport.

In the US, another deadly plane crash under investigation. A single engine plane went down Sunday in Butte, Montana. It apparently nose-dived into this cemetery, killing every one on board. Official says seven children are among the 14 dead.

The one thing I gotta say there ain't nobody here but us chicken. Another busy day today for the crew of Space Shuttle Discovery. Today is the third and the final planned spacewalk. Two astronauts will try and repair a jammed platform on the International Space Station. That spacewalk set to begin at 11:45 a.m. Eastern Time. We'll bring that to you live.

Bruce Willis is a married man again. His publicist says that Willis and 30-year-old model and actress Emma Heming will marry this weekend at his home in the Turks & Caicos islands. Guests include his daughter and his ex-wife Demi Moore along with her husband Ashton Kutcher.

Be sure to stick with CNN.com 24/7 from news around the world. We'll also have updates for you right here throughout the day.


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