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采编:哈尔滨家教网   来源:哈工大家教中心   点击:815    发布日期:2009-03-12 21:20:16

美国词语典故—— 脚踏实地,坦诚低调

Now, the VOA Special English program, WORDS AND THEIR STORIES.

这是 voa 慢速英语栏目——词语典故

Every week at this time, we tell about popular American words and expressions. Some of these are very old. Some are new. Together, they form the living speech of the American people.


Today we tell about the expression "down to earth." Down to earth means being open and honest. It is easy to deal with someone who is down to earth.

今天我们讲短语“ down to earth ”(坦诚低调)。 down to earth 意思是坦白诚实。和坦诚低调的人交往很容易。

A person who is down to earth is a pleasure to find. He or she accepts other people as equals. A down to earth person is the opposite of someone who acts important or proud.


Down to earth people could be important members of society. But they do not consider themselves to be better than others who are less important. They do not let their importance "go to their heads." Someone who lets something go to his head feels he is better than others. He has a "big head."

坦诚的人是社会的重要成员。但他们不认为自己高人一等。他们不会让他们的重要性冲昏大脑。让那些东西进入大脑的人自我感觉良好。他有个 ” 大脑袋“。

A person who is filled with his own importance and pride is said to have "his nose in the air." Often the person who has a big head and his nose in the air has no reason to feel better than others. He surely is the opposite of someone who is down to earth.

一个高傲自大的人被描述为“ his nose in the air” 。通常一个自以为是的人毫无理由的感觉高人一等。他与坦诚低调的人正好相反。

Americans use another expression that is similar in some ways to down to earth. The expression is "both feet on the ground." Some one with both feet on the ground is a person with a good understanding of reality. She has what is called "common sense." She may have dreams. But she does not allow them to block her understanding of what is real.

美国人使还用另一个短语,它在一定程度上类似坦诚低调。它是“ both feet on the ground “( 脚踏实地 ) 。一个脚踏实地的人了解现状。他有所说的“常识”。他也许会做梦,但他不会让它们(梦)妨碍了他对现实的认识。

The opposite kind of person is one who has his "head in the clouds." Someone with his head in the clouds is a person whose mind is not on what is happening in real life. Such a person may be called a "daydreamer."



Sometimes a person with his head in the clouds can be brought back to reality. Sharp words from a teacher, for example, can usually get a daydreaming student to put both feet on the ground.


The person who is down to earth usually has both feet on the ground. But the opposite is not always true. Someone with both feet on the ground may not be as open and easy to deal with as someone who is down to earth.


When we have both our feet firmly on the ground, and when we are down to earth we do not have our noses in the air. We act honestly and openly to others. Our lives are like the ground below us – solid and strong.


This Special English program was written by David Jarmul. I'm Warren Scheer. Listen again next week at this time for another WORDS AND THEIR STORIES program on the Voice of America.

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