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采编:哈尔滨家教网   来源:哈工大家教中心   点击:964    发布日期:2009-01-04 10:17:10

What the olympics mean to me

Ladies and Gentlemen:  
  Good mroning!  
  Today,I want to give you a speech about Olympics .My speech title is.”What the Olympics mean to me.”  
  In 2001,in the Moscow world trade centre, when the former chairman Samaranch said:”Beijing China!”As a chinese I am so proud of my home country from the bottom of my heart!
  Now,2008 is not just a common number.At that
第九作文网zuowen.qc99.com原创作文 time,the whole world will focus their attentions on China.As the hostess,China will show her beauty to the guests from all over the world.  
  As the 29th Olympic Game is just around the corner,I always think about a question: What the olympics mean to me?  
  Firstly,the 2008 Olympic Game is held in Beijing can help us communicate with people from other countries.Time goes by,China has developed into the country growing faster and stronger.China becomes one of the most important countries in the world.The Olympic Games is a big stage to show the development of our country.As the motto says”One world,One dream”,we must be combined with any other countries.The world likes a family,every country is a member of it.We should try our best to make the world more and more beautiful and peaceful.So,the Olympic Games mean peace and friendship to me.  
  Secondly,just as the Olympic motto says”faster,higher,stronger”the players are the leading roles in the Olympic Games.By watching the matches,I learn the spirits of the players.They are so brave,that no matter weather they fall down or fall the match,they never give up.Their wills give me courage,their sprites inspire me.So,the Olympic Games mean strength,will and determination to me.  
  Finally,a Green Olympic is the most important concept in2008 Olympic Game.The color green gives the Olympic Games a deeper meaning.Green is not only in flowers,grass and trees,but in our minds,smiles and the great love.As a student,we should try our best to protect the environment and do what we can to help others.I believe if everyone gives a little,we will get a great deal! So,the Olympic Games mean green,sunshine and love to me.  
  The Olympic Games mean too much to me.There is a fact that will never be changed — we will be the hostess of 2008 Olympic Game.We must show our best to the whole world.If everyone undertake their duty,the 2008 Olympic Game is to be successful!  
  Thanks for listening!

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